Tag Archives: home school

Fighter Pilots and the Fundamentals of Basic Homeschool Maneuvering

fighter pilot basic homeschool maneuvering

As a father of five, I’ve had the privilege to watch my wife enlist into service as a homeschooling mom. I quickly learned that she would be engaged in combat far more than I ever would be as a fighter pilot. Every mom and

dad brave enough to follow the calling of a fighter parent must become skilled in the art of basic homeschool maneuvering.

In order to survive these precious years of instruction and insanity, fighter parents must hit the books and learn both the science and art of basic homeschool maneuvering. As with any good fighter pilot brief, we’ll begin with a few concepts and definitions.

Concepts and Definitions

  • Attacker: a child in a homeschool
  • Defender: a homeschooling parent or teacher
  • Interloper: someone who stumbles into a conversation about homeschool
  • Friendly: any person whose worldview includes a positive view of homeschooling
  • Threat: any person or influence hostile to the preservation of a productive homeschooling environment
  • Bandit: any threat unfamiliar with the benefits of homeschooling
  • Bogey: an interloper whose opinions on homeschooling is unknown
  • Engagement: an interaction between a defender and an attacker, interloper, threat

Now that we’ve defined our terms, it’s time explain the finer points of basic homeschool maneuvering. (Read more. . . )


Filed under Parenthood

Jesus Like the Marines

jesus like the marines

“Oh, God…” It’s what recruits say after their first step off the bus and onto the yellow footprints. It’s what the team says when they hear the codeword and the mission is a “go.” It’s the opening of a prayer and the beginning of praise. It’s a formal address to those who believe in a Father in heaven who delights in the fellowship of man.

But it’s also what we say after a terrifying realization–a career ending mistake, a life threatening act. In these moments, the air is drawn out of your lungs and normal human desires–hunger, thirst, and rest–are replaced by a single, overpowering need: for things to be made right again.

Oh, God…

What have I done? How could I have thought those things? How could I have been so…..How can I make things right?

One of the most poignant “Oh, God” moments occurrs in the book of 2 Samuel. The prophet Nathan confronts King David about the murder of Uriah, one of his own soldiers. King David’s desire for Uriah’s wife blinded him to the will of God and drove him to do the unthinkable. (Read more. . .)

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Filed under Leadership

VBS and VEO: Which One Threatens the Fate of America?


I never thought I would place Vacation Bible School (VBS) and Violent Extremist Organization (VEO) in the same sentence.

Christians have lived peacefully in the military for hundreds of years.

So what’s up with all the hooplah?

Why do Christians suddenly have to prove they are not a violent terrorists because they follow Jesus?

How many apologies must Christians accept for “accidentally” being lumped in with extremists, hate-groups, and radical factions?  (Read more . . . )

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Filed under worldview

Thanksgiving: Giving Thanks For All Who Serve

giving thanks thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, I have a lot to be thankful for.  As a member of the armed forces, I often receive thanks from strangers.  I am grateful for the encouragement, but I wonder:

What about all the others who serve?

  • Nurses
  • Homeschoolers
  • Teachers
  • Mothers
  • Fathers
  • Adoptive Parents
  • Church servants
  • Social Workers
  • Law Enforcement
  • Firefighters
  • Public Servants
  • Missionaries
  • And more. . .

It’s my turn to say “thank you for your service.”

Click here to Tweet your thanks, too!

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